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Lunar New Year 2023–Year of the Water Rabbit

Lunar New Year 2023 starts today,  Sunday, January 22, 2023 in East Asia and marks the beginning of the Year of the Water Rabbit.  As the Year of the Tiger (yang) comes to an end on Saturday, Jan. 21,  and the Year of the Rabbit begins, we can expect an abrupt change of pace as we say goodbye to the roaring tiger and hello to the milder rabbit. 

Both anatomically and behaviorally, tigers and rabbits could hardly be more different. The same is true for their corresponding zodiac years, according to astrologists.  Buddhist sutras portray the rabbit as the gentlest and most tender of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac. Also, the rabbit is believed to be the fourth animal to receive the Buddha’s teaching.

The Year of the Water Rabbit, embodies the feminine principle of the universe (yin), which exudes  relaxation, peace, and contemplation. The past Year of the Tiger embodied the masculine principle (yang) of turbulence and heated activity. The rabbit is considered quiet and kind, yet it moves quickly and is very clever.    Adapting to the environment with quick movement, it is able to protect itself from danger.  Historians believe these positive representations of the rabbit were transferred to Japan, where the animal is also greatly esteemed as a symbol of good fortune.

In Chinese culture, rabbits also represent the moon. Instead of seeing “a man on the moon”, East and South Asian myths portray a rabbit.  Some say it is because the shadows of the moon resemble a rabbit.  The Year of the Rabbit is believed to bring qualities lacking in the previous year, such as peace and prosperity. Consequently, during the Year of the Rabbit, it is likely that people who are impulsive or who have a tendency to be unrealistic will be influenced to be more level-headed and practical.

The Year of the Water Rabbit is expected to be a positive and fortunate time, more relaxed and peaceful for most zodiac signs, both  in family and other relationships  and in business.  Believers also are certain there will be less anger and frustration as well. 

Lunar New Year 2023 Year of the Rabbit

Japanese rabbit figurines  (maneki-usagi) are good-luck talismans because rabbits have  long ears to listen to useful information., allowing business development and intelligence.

2023 also is said to allow for contemplation, rest and nurturing  body and soul for better balance and harmony overall. Like rabbits this is the year to be more  aware of  priorities and “hopping” away from distractions in order to stay focused on your goals.

Of all the zodiac signs, the rabbit needs someone to cuddle up with so the coming year will allow people to enjoy being with a  companion, partner, or spouse.  The Year of the Rabbit is expected to promote strengthened bonds with loved ones as well as expanded connections with friends, family and colleagues. It is even considered auspicious to start a family in 2023.

Above all, though, the Year of the Rabbit is predicted to be a year of hope, largely because the rabbit is associated with peace, prosperity and longevity in Asia. We could all use a large dose of that!!

Note:  In Vietnam, it is the Year of the Cat with the same forecast as the Year of the Rabbit.

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