Los Angeles Book Festival—Not for Book Lovers Only
The Los Angeles Book Festival attracts approximately 150,000 people each year and is the largest book festival in the country. Not only booksellers, authors, and publishers attend but also musicians, and local artisans who sell food and clothing. Movie stars present their recent memoirs and children’s books they have written. Cooking demonstrations on some stages promote cookbooks. There is even a tent where you can have your name written in Arabic calligraphy. This annual event, sponsored by the Los Angeles Times, is now held on the University of Southern California’s campus.
Authors and publishers are not the only ones to give presentations, discuss their books, and offer autographs. Young children and teenagers discuss why they love reading, what their favorite books are, and school journalists suggest what news is important to them.
A major event for people like me who are writers and who want to know what books are currently being promoted, the Los Angeles Book Festival is a worthy all-day event for anyone interested in entertainment, arts, and culture. A beautiful day of fun and stimulation — I highly recommend you check it out next year. The Los Angeles Book Festival is always held in April.
Carole Bumpus
Hmm. Wondering why we didn’t ratchet up to go to this event with SWP people? Glad you went and wrote about it. Thanks. All good info + I enjoyed your website.