Happy New Year 2020: The Year of the [Metal] Rat

The Buddha taught rats first, among the animals in the Buddhist pantheon, and rats rank first on the Chinese zodiac. Though people who follow Western animal symbolism do not consider the rat either adorable or auspicious, nevertheless the characteristics of the rat are considered spirited, witty, alert, flexible, and that of a survivor. The Chinese New Year will begin on January 25, 2020 with the final celebration on February 11.
The Metal Rat Year is going to be a strong, prosperous, and lucky year for those who conduct financial research and follow through on investments. For investors in real estate, or venturing on their own to start a business or to invest money in a long-term project, major decisions on money matters will affect the entire twelve-year cycle of the zodiac–until 2032.
On the political front, those who fight against corruption will be accused of duplicity and hypocrisy. Political unrest will continue and revolutionary disruption of the establishment will gain momentum. Increased tensions and misunderstanding between allies will occur.
To avoid escalating conflict by unscrupulous populist governments who overlook or ignore the common interest of society, moderation, patience and compromise must be recognized and practiced. In addition, all nations must implement strict and disciplinary measures to ameliorate climate change. Jealousy of those who have polluted the plant will rise.
For more information on the Chinese zodiac and to read your horoscope for 2020, please go to: https://www.thechinesezodiac.org/horoscope-2020/