The Stranger–or Estranged
Another series to binge during this C-virus pandemic is Netflix’s The Stranger.
Produced by Harlan Coben and based on his novel of the same name, this newly released British series opens with a teenage drug fest complete with bonfire and more than a few hints of mayhem. Part mystery, but most of all, family drama especially between fathers and their children, The Stranger quickly turns seemingly content lives into ones festering with secrets.
Adam Price (Richard Armitage), one of several main and deeply flawed characters, is approached by a beautiful stranger (Hannah John-Kamen) and told a shocking secret about his wife, Corinne. Over the course of eight episodes, the stranger reveals more unimaginable secrets to a number of unsuspecting family members. Each episode rewards the viewer with a more complicated plot, with additional characters and their secrets exposed. The stranger threatens to make public deeply personal and shameful events and insinuates extortion. Detective Johanna Griffin (Siobhan Finneran), soon to retire and contemplating divorce, has become both emotionally and professionally obsessed with solving the series of criminal acts that unfold each episode .
The blackmail initiated by the Stranger sets off a chain of unfortunate and suspenseful events. By the end of the series we know why the stranger blackmails. And we have assented to following unsympathetic characters to the end of the main story, with most of the subplots resolved, but not all. For some viewers this will result in several twisty plot threads unwinding not completely to their satisfaction. While I applaud the complexity of characters which adds to the suspense, some are more a distraction than a contribution to the main plot, dragging down the fast pace and momentum.
I’m hopeful that a Season Two will resolve some unanswered questions and loose threads. The imaginative twists that happen primarily to Adam Price, the Stranger, and the detective Johanna Griffin who stalwartly attempts to resolve the murders, are definitely worth watching during this “settle in place” mandate around most of the country!