“The Descendants” –Decent But Not Great
I recently saw “The Descendants” at the Napa Valley Film Festival. I had high expectations. What’s not to like about either George Clooney or Alexander Payne? Both of them are very talented entertainment superstars. However, neither George Clooney’s pretty face nor Alexander Payne’s mastery of comedy and pathos (“Election”, “About Schmidt”, and “Sideways”, to say nothing of the hit TV series “Hung”) are sufficient to render this movie anything but mildly entertaining. It’s decent, but not great comedy or acting.
Clooney’s Matt King, a workaholic, emotionally distant Honolulu attorney and land baron, is descended from royal Hawaiian blood. His great-great-grandmother was a Hawaiian princess who married a haole (non-Hawaiian). As the executor of an enormous land trust of beachfront property, Matt must decide to keep the land unspoiled or sell it to developers so that his relatives can reap millions of dollars from the proceeds.
But Matt’s major problem is with his family. A boating accident has left his wife comatose, challenging his negligible parenting skills. Their two daughters are a ten-year old girl, Scottie (Amara Miller, a scene-stealing newcomer), and a stereotypically sullen teen Alexandra (Shailene Woodley), whose behavior has landed her in boarding school. Matt is blindsided not only by grief, two daughters who need emotional support, but also by betrayal.
What did I like about “”The Descendants”? First, I liked the lived-in feeling of seeing Hawaii’s real residents–some of whom are scruffy, overweight, and wear muumuus instead of teeny-weeny bikinis. This is not the postcard version of Hawaii. The Hawaiian sound track reinforces the island culture. Second, small roles by some of the supporting actors have the dazzling portions of the dialog, especially the father-in-law (Robert Forster) and Judy Greer, whose scenes are memorable: subtle facial expressions, suggesting a nobility and integrity of spirit. The wise but fragile character portrayed in a disarming way by Amara Miller keeps this film from devolving into TV soap. Flashes of humor in some of the dialog between Clooney’s character and the two daughters are hilarious.
However, it is the scenes in which Clooney dominates the screen, which shred even the thinnest threads of plausibility. In one scene Matt King, after saying goodbye to the last of his friends, drops to his knees outside his home’s circular driveway. This canned acting gesture, purportedly conveying intense emotion, has been overdone and is overwrought– just a lazy shortcut for anguish and grief, like throwing a glass across the room to depict anger. Clooney and Payne–you are both much better than that!
The Descendants has received widespread critical acclaim. The film scored an approval rating of 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. Roger Ebert gave the film a perfect four stars. I would give it two stars– light fluff for the rainy night when you want to be entertained with a forgettable, but decent flick.
Alden Taylor
I was SO looking forward to seeing The Descendants and was not disappointed. My husband thought it was “shallow”, but I loved the natural, unforced rhythm of the movie , and thought the acting was outstanding. I am normally not a big Clooney fan, but thought he nailed his role, and and was totally believable, even the despairing kneeling scene. The daughters were wonderful, and I loved Sid and the balance and humor he brought to the movie. Not sure it’s Oscar-worthy, but as a glimpse of the everyday tragedies that come with being human, I give it high marks.
Celeste Wahl
What I liked about the movie: the primacy of family, George did a lot of acting without the use of words, the Hawaiian landscape and demeanor of it’s locals, the film unfolding slowly (almost languorously) an easy word to use for a movie set in Hawaii, the idea of “trouble in paradise” theme is well done and few movies have utilized the islands’ natural beauty and remoteness to get their part across so well. I also liked the concept of beleaguered humanity, finally, I liked the fact it wasn’t about giant robots or sparkly vampires. The ending was perfect…
Whether it is an Oscar contender or not – remains to be seen.
When I first saw “American Beauty” (1999) I was underwhelmed. Yet, as the days went by, I was haunted and have seen it several times since. “The Descendants” speaks to me in a similar way; I couldn’t stop thinking about all the avoidable tragedy, and how life is messy, painful, and beautiful.
I would see it again just for the mini vacation to the islands. Next time I watch it though, I’ll drink chi-chis and wear a lava lava and a lei — to get the full effect.